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Семечки штирийской тыквы теперь и в сети ВкусВилл

Мы с радостью сообщаем, что с 05.04.18 г. Вы можете приобрести семечки штирийский голосемянной тыквы во всех магазинах фермерских и натуральных продуктов сети ВкусВилл. ВкусВилл - это более 400 магазинов в Москве, Московской области.

Soft and pure spring water, warm and gentle breezes and of course the munificence of the southern sun constitute the basis for the ripeness and magnificence of the natural product. All that nature gives and with which southern lands are endowed is warmed with wonderful care by the gentle rays of the sun. It is because of these conditions that our seeds receive everything essential to be rightly deemed environmentally friendly and one of the most important aspects of our food intake. The sun releases the whole richness of taste, gives the seeds their strength and imbues them with a wonderful stock of vitamins and microelements.

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